Jennifer Echert
Jennifer Echert, Naturopath
Our products are packaged in very special glass bottles. A
better kind of packaging for products worth protecting, it’s
called Miron Violet Glass, and is imported from Switzerland.
Numerous studies validate that products stored in Miron-Glass
are both protected and energized. This special glass utilizes
the violet range of the light spectrum which represents the
highest energy domain. Miron Violet Glass is unsurpassed in
preserving the life of products such as essential oils,
homeopathic remedies, cosmetics and herbal preparations.
Compared with the choices of amber, blue, green and clear
glass, Miron’s deep Violet Glass provides many remarkable
Superior protection from light degradation
Increased shelf life
Energizing effects on organic molecular life
Natural preservation and refinement of healing properties
In the past, exclusively violet or golden containers were used
to preserve precious salves, oils, essences and medicines.
Current discoveries show that life (energy) is best preserved
by Violet, with which no other spectral range can compare. In
1851 Jakob Lorber's volume "Healing Properties of Sunlight"
points out that violet glass is the ideal storage container for
healing remedies and other substances that are sensitive to
In 1991, after many years of research, Miron found the right
color tone of violet glass to provide its superior benefits.
According to the Institute Fraunhofer in Munich the radiation in
the photosensitive area (app 450nm to 720nm) does not
penetrate the violet glass. Amber glass on the other hand lets
light through in all of the visible areas of the light spectrum.
Miron Violet Glass works because the violet spectral range
(720 - 770 Bio herz) permanently activates and energizes the
molecular structure, and the healing energies of substances
stored in the Miron Violet Glass do not degrade.

Research by Prof. F.A. Popp and Dr. H. Niggli, 1997/1998
proves that solar energy in our food is essential for our health.
Solar energy enters our cells in the form of Bio-photons
(somatids), the smallest physical unit of light. Bio-photons
provide important information for the complex life process in
our bodies. The Bio-Photons have a strong regulating and
balancing energy and put the organism into a higher vibration
or order. These Bio-Photons are extremely sensitive. Dr.
Niggli's readings show that Bio-photons noticeably decrease in
conventional packaging such as amber glass, green glass, blue
glass, aluminum foil, plastics, and other synthetic containers.
Miron Violet Glass maintains and even enhances the high
energy of the bottle's contents for a long period of time.

The innovative BerkanaKare System Packs were developed
with thoughtful consideration given to the unique design
features required to properly store essential oils while
maintaining convenient access to them. Romanian hemp is the
fabric of choice in this design to keep your precious oils safe
and handy for years to come. This fabric is manufactured from
100% water-retted hemp - an all natural biological process
used to extract the hemp fiber from the stalk of the plant.
Hemp fabric is known for its durability, resistance to mold,  
bacteria, and ultraviolet light. Hemp was significant in the
economic and day-to-day lives of our ancestors, being
important for textiles, paper, rope and oil production. Today,
textile production from hemp has been supplanted primarily by
cotton and synthetic fibers. As a natural fiber, cotton is
thought to be the right choice for the "green" consumer.
However, modern intensive cotton production causes severe
environmental degradation, as it is heavily dependent on the
input of pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers and water. The
environmental and social costs of both cotton and synthetic
fiber production are very high. Hemp requires minimal, if any,
herbicides, pesticides, fungicides and fertilizer. Impressive
growth quickly achieves ground cover which suppresses weeds
and some soil-borne pathogens. Hemp also restores nutrients
to the soil and has proven to clean the ground and provide a
disease break while helping soil structure. It is also an
effective pollen insulator, forming impermeable hedges, which
minimizes outside pollination.
Diminished interest in the plant because of its association
with its sister plant, marijuana has caused hemp production to
all but disappear as a fiber crop in North America. However,
Europe remembers why hemp previously was a predominant
industrial fiber crop, and recognizes its potential for
meaningful ecological farming in the future. A revival of this
traditional, low-input multiple use crop is seen as satisfying
the criteria for "green" farming, including sustainable growth,
biodegradability, and over-all processing in ways that minimize
pollution to the environment
BerkanaKare Shop is open- click here to go shopping!

Thank You!
Disclaimer: Naturopath's are not required to be licensed in the state of Illinois.  The contents of this website are
intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Jennifer Echert, and are
based upon her opinions. They are not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care
professional and they are not intended as medical advice. You are encouraged to make your own health care
decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.

Copyright © 1996-2006 BERKANA™, 2007-2009 BerkanaWay LLC. All Rights Reserved. The contents of this
website may be copied in full, with copyright, contact, creation and information intact, without specific permission,
when used only in a not-for-profit format. If any other use is desired, permission is required in writing from
Jennifer Echert.
~A Wholistic Way To Life~